
This workspace is dedicated to display tasks and define schedules.


  1. Add your columns: Define the columns you want to see in your workspace. You can choose between our presets or create your own custom column. To create a custom column, follow our guide.
  2. Choose your tool: Enable the tools you want to use in your schedule:
    1. Move: Allow you to move across time or if some days are selected move the selected days
    2. Select: Allow you to select a range of days. You can also double-click on a task to select all days of the task directly. Double-click after/before task to unselect all. Use SHIFT or CTRL to select multiple ranges/tasks.
    3. Add: Allow you to "paint" time assignments by clicking or "painting" over the cells. You can right click on a cell to remove the time assignment instead.
    4. Remove: Allow you to remove time assignments and dependencies.
    5. Linking: Allow you to create dependency links between tasks. Enable this tool and drag n drop a task on another to create a dependency.
    6. Show dependencies: Enable this option to visualize the dependencies between tasks
    7. Click on the settings icon to access the settings of the timeline
  3. The timeline: Each cell correspond to a day. Be default the number is in day but you can switch to hour from the settings.

You can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly select the tool you want:

  • ESC for Move
  • S for Select
  • A for Add
  • R for Remove
  • L to link tasks and create dependencies
  • T to center the view on Today
  • D to show/hide dependencies

If you want to display more days in the calendar, you can expand the size of the column called "Timeline", by dragging the handle located at the end of the column.

Expand and reduce your tasks

By hovering a task, you can expand or reduce its duration. Grab the handle located at the beginning or the end of the task and drag it to the desired date.

Checkout general information about workspace to know how to filter, sort, and group your data.