Tasks editor

This application is used to manage tasks.

Tasks editor

The top section allow you to edit some basic informations about the task:

At the bottom you have several tabs to manage other informations :



A checklist is a list of items that you can check or uncheck. It's a way to track the progress of the task and also to provide an easy sub-tasks list, without the need to create sub-tasks.


You can see all the timelogs of the task in a calendar view. You can also add new timelog from this tab.

To remove a timelog, you need to search for it in the activity sidebar.


A step is a mini milestone dedicated to the task. It's a way to split the task in smaller parts. We will also show you the start date, the deadline and today's date to help you to see if you are on track.


You can add dependencies to the task. A dependency is a connection between two tasks using a Dependency edge.

You are able to visualize the inbound and outbound dependencies of the task.


You can create subtasks from this tab. A subtask is a task that is a child of the current task. It's a way to split the task in smaller parts.

Don't forget that you can use the checklist to track small things to do without the need to create subtasks.


You can attach other items to a task, like for reference, context or any other reason that make it relevant for you.


On the left you have the activity sidebar that regroup all the comments and timelogs of the task. You can filter that list by clicking on the Comments or Timelogs buttons.