
This application is here to manage all administrative settings of your domain.

This application is only accessible to the administrator and super-administrator of the domain.


From this application, you can manage the following settings:


This section allows you to manage the users of your domain.

Users can be activate / deactivate from here. Deactivated users are not able to log in on the platform, but can still be accessible in the project to assign them tasks for example.

When you disable a user, all its sessions ends immediately.

To create a user, or multiple users at the same time, you can use the Create button on top of the interface.

The only mandatory information to create a user is the email address.

When you create a user, and you don't set a password, the user will receive an invitation email. The invitation email is only valid for a certain number of days, after which the user will have to request a new link using the Forgot password link on the login page. Lean more on this process in our dedicated guide.

If you unfold a user, you can edit its information using the Profile application.

You can also make its account as admin or super-admin.

Admin and super-admin

Aquarium works on the principle of domain system, like an Active Directory for example.

Being an admin or super-admin makes you member of Domain admins usergroup. By default this usergroup is present on all items. So admin and super-admin can access all projects for example.

The difference between an admin vs a super-admin, is that super-admin can edit domain settings like licenses, and manage users.

Here is a table explaining the differences between admin and super-admin:

Feature Admin Super-admin
Have access to the domain application Yes Yes
Member of Domain admins usergroup Yes Yes
Promote to admin or super-admin No Yes
Create users No Yes
Edit users Yes Yes
Access all items (like projects for example) Yes Yes
Manage licenses No Yes
Manage storage No Yes
Manage bots No Yes
Use the console No Yes
Can requeue events No Yes
Manage SSO No Yes
Use with caution

If you don't want an admin or super-admin to access specific project, you can remove the Domain admins usergroup from the participant.


This section allows you to manage the organisations of your domain. You can create as many organisations as you want. You can use an organisation to regroup users and projects together.

Be default, users can't see each others, unless they are in the same organisation.

If you need users from different organisations to collaborate, you can edit the organisation permissions to allow Read only on the other one (and vice versa).

Each organisation have their own settings that you can edit using the Organisation application.


This section allows you to manage the licenses of your domain. You can see the number of licenses you have, and the number of licenses you are using. You can also edit you license to request more active users and storage.

Here is a short video from our guide, explaining how to manage your licenses:

If you think that your license is not updated after you requested more/less active users or storage, you click on the cached refresh button next to the Upload license button.

If you need more than one license to have separate billing, contact our sales team.


This section allows you to manage the bots of your domain. You can create as many bots as you want. Bots works like users, you can invite a bot to a project, usergroups, organisations. Except that a Bot can't log in on the platform, just use the API.

You can use bots to authenticate your scripts to the API.

A bot can be promoted to admin or super-admin, and you can activate/deactivate it.


SSO is the abbreviation of Single Sign-On. It's here to allow you users to use external credentials to log in on Aquarium. Like using their professional credentials instead of having to remember a new password.

Our SSO integration is only compatible with OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard. You need to use a provider that is compatible with OIDC, like Google Workspace, Okta, Microsoft Entra, ...

Here is Aquarium's requirements :

Today, only Okta is compatible with user groups synchronisation. If you use another provider, feel free to contact us to see if we can help you.

To configure SSO, you need to fill the following fields:

Field Description Required
Authorization endpoint The URL to redirect the user to authenticate Yes
Token endpoint The URL to get the token Yes
Client ID The ID of your application Yes
Client secret The secret of your application Yes
Allow sign-up with SSO Automatically create an Aquarium account if its doesn't exist yet No
Create non-existing users Create users that don't exist yet No
Synchronize user groups Synchronize user groups from your provider No
How to configure with Google Workspace ?
  1. Here is a Google documentation explaining how to enable OIDC for your domain.
  2. Once you followed their explanation for Setting up OAuth 2.0, you can filled the following fields in Aquarium:
    • Authorization endpoint:
    • Token endpoint: Leave it blank, we will detect it automatically
    • Client ID: The client ID you got from Google
    • Client secret: The client secret you got from Google
  3. Press save and you are done!
How to configure with Okta ?

Here is a short video showing how to configure Okta with Aquarium:

  1. Here is a Okta documentation explaining how to setup OIDC app integrations for your domain.
  2. Once you followed their explanation, you can filled the following fields in Aquarium:
    • Authorization endpoint:
    • Token endpoint: Leave it blank, we will detect it automatically
    • Client ID: The client ID you got from Okta
    • Client secret: The client secret you got from Okta
  3. Press save and you are done!


This section allows you to manage the storage of your domain. All your upload files and medias will appear here.

You can filter your files and delete them to release storage. You can also click on a file to see the file, its metadata and locate it in your items.

A file can be used on multiple items, to save space and money. That's why the locate section can display multiple items.


This section provide 3 graphics to monitor your Aquarium instance:


From this section, you can see all the events that have been processed by Aquarium.

An event has a topic that represent the type of event. The topic is a string composed by : [custom].category.verb.[entity type]. The entity type is here to help you filtering then events.

Example: item.created.Shot, edge.removed.Child, custom.{your.event}, ...

The conjugation of the verb is helping you to understand if the activity associated with the event already happened (past tense, ex: item.created) or is going to happen (present, ex: file.encode).

Here is a list of the topics that Aquarium generates:

You can click on an event to see its metadata and data. You can also visualize the event in a nodal interface, where you have :

All the event can be requeue to be processed again.

When you re-queue an event, Aquarium does not trigger the original activity that emit the event. Its only retriggers the Action items that are listening for this event.

Example: If you re-queue an item.created event, Aquarium will not create the item again. But if you have an action that is triggered by the item.created event, this action will be triggered again.


This section allows you to access to the online CLI to trigger some commands. Try to type help to see the available commands.

INFO Aquarium CLI
flags                                        Lists the flags this instance is running with.
version                                      Get the version of Aquarium server.
status                                       Get domain status.
# meshql expression                          Execute a meshql query.
jobs                                         Get the jobs queue length.
events                                       Get the events queue length.
janitor                                      Analyze the database.
janitor -x                                   Cleanup the database.
trash                                        Count trashed elements. Type 'trash -x' to clear.
trash -x                                     Empty trashes.
cache -x                                     Refreshes the cache containing the users and licenses.